We’re heading into the mind of Jules Verne! Alice: Otherlands director Ed Goin has submitted a script (which I think is brilliant) for the animated short in which Alice will explore the mind of Jules Verne. As a part of the process in developing and creating these animations, we want to keep you, the audience and Kickstarter backers, involved. So here for your reading pleasure is Ed’s script:
Take a read, soak in the meaning, then read again. When you’re ready, feel free to send me comments and feedback. I’ll make sure Ed hears what you’ve got to say. For my part, I’m really happy with what he’s doing. The concept of “Leviathan” is one that is very near to the evil Alice seeks to destroy in Otherlands. Verne’s role in shaping mankind’s destiny as a part of that battle is a powerful one.