Avast, Mateys! Flags Ahoy!

Alright, I’ll spare ye the pirate speak… but I do have a favor to ask…

Our good friend Kenney is helping Pirate Jam by providing a website re-design, 3D asset packs, and art support. He’s recently sent a selection of flag designs – these flags will be flown above the sailing vessels participating in Pirate Jam 2018. But which design fits best?

Tell me in the comments below which flag design you think is the best. We’re getting these made as 96cm x 64cm flags… and I’ll probably make enough that we can give a few away a for free during upcoming live streams. 

My thoughts… I’d like to have the “Pirate Jam” wording so people know what the event is called… but at the same time I like the clean presentation and readability of the skull-only designs… I am torn between “C” and “B” – what do you think?

Tell me in the comments!

You can learn more about Pirate Jam, follow our adventures, and see more of Kenney’s excellent work at the Pirate Jam Facebook Page.

If you are an aspiring game developer be sure to check out Kenney’s site. He provides free art assets and asset creation tools for indie developers! 

We’re really pleased to have him on board as a sponsor and supporter of Pirate Jam 2018! 🙂 Thanks, Kenney! 

From Freezing Shanghai,


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