Off With Her Head!
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Pirate Jam 2018 – Episode 2
Ahoy Pirates! I’ve arrived back in the relative comfort of Krabi Boat Lagoon after 10+ days at sea. Pirate Jam is wrapping up today with a final award ceremony and BBQ dinner poolside. It’s been really hectic during the event, hence my lack of posting… Now that I once again have semi-decent Internet and things…
Pirate Jam 2018 – Episode One
Ahoy Mateys! We pirates are floating around the beautiful seas of Thailand swimming, sailing, playing and making games. Check out the first episode from the event to see all the fun. Let us know your favorite games, pirates, and teams in the comments below! From Thailand with Sand Everywhere, -Captain Chaos (American)
Pirate Jam 2018 – Official Start!
Ahoy Mateys! While all you Insane Children worked to reach out last Patreon Goal (yay!) I’ve been roaming the high seas with my pirate hat on. Pirate Jam 2018 started yesterday (April 1st) in Thailand. This year we have 20 developers and 10 support crew aboard 6 sailing vessels. Pirates have come from all over…
Pirates and Patches
Dear Patrons Hi there, it’s Martin here, not American. As many of you know, American is currently off doing PIRATE JAM which kicked off yesterday, so be sure to subscribe and/or keep an eye out on our YOUTUBE channel for when the vlogs start to get posted up 🙂 However, I wanted to pop along…