A Sin, A Machine, A Business (Alice Body Concept Art)

Dear Insane Children, 

Now that we’ve got some idea of what Alice’s face looks like…

We need to start work on her body. 

But first – Why are we doing (or re-doing) this work now? 

Because we have an opportunity to engage a professional 3D Model Builder to create a next-gen ready 3D model of our Alice from Alice: Asylum. 

And we can then use that model as part of our pitch to publishers/investors. And make quick animations as you see here: 

Sample 1 

Sample 2 

I Am Not My Body

Take a look at the concept images sent over by Joey. They show the main character of our game (Alice) in a relaxed A-Pose. These are the kind of images our 3D Modeler will use to create a high-detail 3D model of Alice. 

As with the face, these images come with some caveats: 

First, we’ll never see an in-game Alice undressed in this fashion. The a-pose image here (top) is used as a reference to understand the underlying form, bone structure, and musculature of Alice. These bits of information help to inform how she rests, bends, stretches, moves, and reacts. 

Second, as with her face, the image of Alice we see here is a mental representation – the way in which 23-year-old Alice sees (recalls) her 13-year-old self. It is in some ways idealized, in others a sort of caricature. Try to examine the way in which you recall and represent your younger self. Then place that representation upon a mental landscape. That’s what we’re going for.

Beyond that… we’ll need to decide which dress we want to use for this Standard Model. My feeling is that we go with either the Ash Dress or the Classic Dress. But I’d like to hear your thoughts on that as well… 

So have a look at the dresses and drop your feedback into the Comments below.

Keep in mind that this model will be used as a  Sales Tool going forward. And that we may not have the ability to continue adding dresses – so we need to put our best foot (dress) forward. 

I’ve got my own thoughts and feelings about the artwork… but I am going to sit on those for a while. I always find that my initial reactions are less valuable than my thoughts a day or two later. 

But be sure to put your feedback into the Comments below and we’ll discuss during the next live stream. 

From Shanghai in an A-Pose, 


PS: The title is borrowed from a quote by Eduardo Galeano:

“The Church says: the body is a sin.

Science says: the body is a machine.

Advertising says: The body is a business.

The Body says: I am a fiesta.”

? Eduardo Galeano, Walking Words

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