Christmas in China (and everyone’s getting Covid)

Dear Insane Children, 

Apologies for the recent radio silence. Things have been… interesting… here. 

China finally dropped its Zero Covid policies. And they did it in full Leroy Jenkins style. Kinda crazy… one day, we’re all lining up to do testing; using QR codes to enter buildings; living in constant fear of being thrown in Central Quarantine… 

And then, presto-whamo!!! No more Covid controls, restrictions, or concerns!

Literally just like magic overnight, no more Covid anything. 

Except now everyone – and I mean *everyone* – in China is getting Covid. 

Like Martin. Martin got Covid. But he’s getting better now. 


I’ve been hiding at home with Yan and the kids. We normally have Yan’s mom here to help us with the kids but she went back home to take care of her elderly mother (Yan’s grandmother). And then got “stuck” in the hometown when the “Everyone Get Covid!” Party kicked off a week ago. 

That means Yan and I have been on Baby Time 24/7. Which… is kinda nice? And it’s Christmas week so, technically, we should sorta be on vacation anyway? But that does mean we’re not getting any “real” work done. Including Patreon posts. 

Going forward… we’re going to get Covid eventually. But we’re trying to time it so that happens once Yan’s mom is back and we have additional help with the kids. 

Oh, right, Alice! That’s why you’re here… 

The pre-production team is still producing lots of great art for the Design Bible. Card art from Adam as an example above. And we’ll post a big update (from Alex) on progress being made with the Development Team in Shanghai as well… coming soon! 

What are you doing for the holidays?

From Shanghai with Love, 


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