Art Prints 2023 (First Half)

Dear Insane Children,

Font Lord here with the results of the poll for the next set of 6 art prints.

Once again, some shocks here as to what did make it and what didn’t.
Very surprised at how low “Hatter Defeated” scored.  I really liked that one  ?
But there’s got to be winners and losers.

So, here we go…

As you can see in the header image for this post, we have Queen Reveal.
This will be the next print for January Patrons charged in February.

And here are the following prints.

February Patrons charged in March
Alice Meets Lizzy

March Patrons charged in April
Cannot Help

April Patrons charged in May
Castle In The Sky

May Patrons charged in June
Cheshire Grim

June Patrons charged in July
Currently Unnamed…

Well there you go…
The Patrons have spoken.

Sorry if your favorite didn’t make it in there.
We may pop some of the other ‘close ones’ in as a choice for the second half of 2023?   🙂

Big hugs from a rather chilly 3 degrees Shanghai

– Cheers

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