Month: July 2008

  • Who’s the Wiiner Now?

    Nearly two years ago I made some pretty bold statements regarding the Next-Gen Console Wars – asserting that Nintendo’s Wii would dominate, and was the only platform that should be called “next-gen”.

  • First Grimm Episode Trailer

    A trailer and a review for Episode 1 of Grimm both available today! The trailer looks cool and the review is extremely positive. Read more…

  • Episodic ‘Dexter’ Game for iPhones

    If you’ve never seen “Dexter”, I highly recommend it. And now news of an episodic game based on the show: Episodic ‘Dexter’ Game for iPhones Players will reportedly use gesture controls (Ecko demonstrated a hacking motion with an iPhone), text messaging and phone calls to interact with the “Dexter” experience, but Ecko didn’t reveal anything…

  • Gamecock on GameTap

    News from GameDaily this morning: Today, Gamecock Media announced that it has signed a partnership with GameTap. Under terms of this agreement, the publisher’s various titles will be available for digital download in GameTap’s online store, as well as for ad-supported play and subscription. Future titles, including Legendary and Velvet Assassin, will also be made…

  • Another Episodic Game

    From GameDaily today: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced their intention to publish an episodic game series based upon the upcoming Watchmen film. The game will go into more detail on the characters and so-called “masks” of the film. Watchmen is a comic story originally created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, where the world…

  • GameTap Adds THQ Titles

    I read on Video Game News this morning that GameTap has added a ton of cool new titles to their service – these coming from THQ.