Month: November 2018

  • Mad Hatter Design Party

    Dear Insane Children,  We’ve got a live-stream scheduled for this week – Thursday, November 29th at 10AM Hong Kong Time. That’s at 6PM on the 28th in Los Angeles.  Hit THIS LINK to set a reminder.  During this week’s live-stream we’ll celebrate the completion of manufacturing on “Out of the Woods” and will give away…

  • The next art print is…….

    Hi there   Martin here with a quick note to tell you all that this will be the next art print as I’ve had a few messages asking that very question.Continuing Alex’s series, we have scary Shadow Alice…    So in order to get this, make sure you’re at $75 when you’re charged at the…

  • 13 Years a Shadow

    To view this content, you must be a member of American’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • Thanksgiving Year In Review

    Dear Insane Children,  Lots of you traveling home for the Thanksgiving holiday this week. And we all have lots to be thankful for heading towards the end of the year.  In honor of all we’ve accomplished together we’ll host a special Thanksgiving livestream over on YouTube. Let’s go through and discuss ALL THE ART, all…

  • Busy, busy…

    Dear Insane Children,  It’s crazy around here! So much going on…  Lots of effort going into pre-planning for Pirate Jam 2019. I’m drawing up schedules, maps, and activities. We’re aiming to have 20+ Pirates aboard 6 boats, with the event kicking off on March 29th and going for ~10 days. In December I travel to…

  • Come Play With Us, Danny

    Dear Insane Children,  Rabbits are multiplying like rabbits around here. Wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so… creepy. Eek! The latest prototype model arrived from the factory. Here you can see the two side-by-side. Note the Left Rabbit has a  black button eye and stitched nose. The Right Rabbit is the one we looked…