Month: July 2021

  • Spectral Hands are Coming TO GET YOU!

    Dear Insane Children,  Remember the Dollmaker’s scary puppet hands from Madness Returns?  THEY’RE BACK.  Well, sorta. Check out the spectral hands in this latest illustration from Adam. They are inspired by Bumby’s Puppetmaster Hands. And, wow, are they awesome!  Joey also used them in this image…  Of his image, Adam says…  Here is the painted…

  • Print Reminder For You All

    Dear Insane Children,  Font Lord here fulfilling the promise we made in the previous art print poll that we would try to give you plenty of notice about the ‘next print’ each month before it happens. As you see above, the next print is THE CAGING for July Patrons charged in August. So if you…

  • Typhoon Madness!

    Dear Insane Children,  Woo! It’s been crazy here in Shanghai. Typhoon In-Fa ripped along the eastern coast of China and made landfall just a few kilometers away from my backyard in Fengxian, Shanghai. Literally just down the coast from where I live. BUT… despite what the title of that video says (WTF?) China was in…

  • The Tale of Scruffy Bumps

    Dear Insane Children,  For those of you who missed it, there’s a Scruffy Bumps Theme Song posted over on my YouTube Channel. And it’s awesome.  Scruffy Bumps is a murderous revenge cat possessed by an evil Egyptian death goddess who kills those who abuse animals. Rawr.  Everyone I explain this idea to says, “Wow, yeah!”…

  • Under The Doll House

    Dear Insane Children,  The Alice: Asylum art team continues to crank through images for the Design Bible. And today we have art from Adam depicting a game play sequence Alice will encounter under a dreamlike representation of The Home for Wayward Children – inspired by the Dollhouse sequence in Madness Returns.  The art brief for…

  • Patreon Art Schedule 2021 (2nd Half)

    Dear Insane Children,  Font Lord here with the results of the poll to what the next 6 art prints should be.Around half of you sent in your votes and based on some of the comments on that post, it was very difficult to choose just 6    🙂 You’ll also notice that in this post I’m…