Fatten the (Cheshire) Cat
In my last message to Joey regarding concept artwork I hinted at variations on the Cheshire Cat’s presentation. Perhaps a younger, less emaciated cat? One who is still working towards getting all his ink done? I still don’t know if changing the Cat is even the right decision. Is he timeless? Does he age? Clearly…
Ashes and Chaos (…and a new dress!)
Dear Patrons, I’m really humbled to see so many new Patrons joining our adventure so quickly. Thank you, very much, for your trust and support. We’ll continue today with an art update from Joey and my feedback for this new image and the images to come. As always, feel free to provide feedback in the…
When is a dress like a house?
Dear Patrons, I think it would be interesting to share with you all the intimate details of pre-production work going into Alice: Asylum. In keeping with that idea I’m going to share email exchanges with the pre-production team when I think you’d find them valuable. Here’s an exchange with Joey (illustrator) regarding the next batch…
Alice: Asylum – Concept Art (Young Alice)
As many of you know I’ve started work on art, design, and a project pitch for Alice 3 – tentatively called “Alice: Asylum.” Once of the first things I need to do when building the pitch for EA is to establish the setting and tone. For that I’m working with Spicy Horse artist Joey Zhuo…
The Virtues of Straw Houses
When I first invited you to become Patrons it was to support a series of game and video creations produced largely while bobbing around SE Asia on my sailboat. That was the plan back in July of 2016. Since then lots has happened. I traveled, sailed, shut down the Shanghai Spicy Horse studio, got engaged,…
Pirate Jam – Episode 8 – Epilog
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