Out of the Woods – Card Game Rotation Video
Dear Insane Children, We received the production sample box for Out of the Woods today at the Shanghai studio! I messed around and made a rotation video of it. We’ll get hands on with it during this week’s live stream. If you are interested in Out of the Woods there’s a pre-order store for that.…
No Redress for the Red Queen
Dear Insane Children, Whew! Finally back in Shanghai after a whirlwind of travel to Thailand. During my time there I caught up with Liz and Jamie of Followtheboat – who are slowly making their way around the world aboard a boat with a cat. If you like posh British accents, boats, cats, or just the…
Ordo ab Chao
“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”-Nietzche Continuously improving to attain something greater… Where there is chaos, we create order. When we see something lacking, we create. Evolution, revolution, convolution… I am happy to have you all along for this process. And very thankful to…
Dear Insane Children, We just hit 1700 Patrons! That means we’re only 300 Patrons away from unlocking the Chaos Coin. Yay! We did a marathon 3-hour livestream on YouTube yesterday. If you missed it, don’t fret – you can check it out via THIS LINK. We talked about dresses, story, and answered a TON of…
Burning Down the House
Dear Insane Children, We’ll do another YouTube Livestream tomorrow morning – that’s July 19th, 9AM Hong Kong Time. 7PM in Los Angeles on the 18th. Confused? Check out International Meeting Planner. Remember – YouTube is an Asshat. You might be subscribed to my channel and you might even hit that annoyingly redundant little “bell icon”…
Asylum Proposal Discount Code – Exclusive!
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