Tag: episodic game

  • Grimm Episode 7 – “Devil Hairs”

    ust like clockwork we released the latest episode of Grimm. And like a broken clock, I neglected to mark the occasion in my usual fashion – with a blog post. Oops.

  • Grimm Episode 6 – “Godfather Death”

    Be sure to check it “Godfather Death” over on GameTap in the first 24 hours after release, because well, you know, it’s FREE! Seriously, what beats turning nuns into demons for FREE? How about doing all that and then watching them push their own nunnery into a lake of lava? Mmmm… Lava. You can check…

  • “Girl Without Hands” Review

    Steven Wong over at Big Download has written another positive Grimm review.

  • Grimm Episode 5 – “Girl Without Hands”

    Grimm episodes just keep coming. Welcome to Episode 5, “The Girl Without Hands”. Based on a twisted tale of fatherly betrayal, Satanic tom foolery, and a good amount of hand choppery (is that a word?), “No Hands” as we like to call it here at Spicy Horse, is a fun romp in the world of…

  • Grimm Episode 4 – “Puss in Boots”

    Another week, another episode of Grimm! This time around Grimm visits the well-known tale of “Puss in Boots” – to ridicule the idea that an intelligent, talking cat would be selfless servant to a bumbling imbecile. Click the cat to read more…

  • Episodic ‘Dexter’ Game for iPhones

    If you’ve never seen “Dexter”, I highly recommend it. And now news of an episodic game based on the show: Episodic ‘Dexter’ Game for iPhones Players will reportedly use gesture controls (Ecko demonstrated a hacking motion with an iPhone), text messaging and phone calls to interact with the “Dexter” experience, but Ecko didn’t reveal anything…