Great Firewall of China

If it seems things have been quiet around here there’s a reason. Well, a few actually. One, after returning from GDC I found myself swamped in catch-up work on Grimm and pre-production work on some new concepts. Two, the Chinese government decided to block access to Flickr via the “Great Firewall of China”. When I can’t see what I’m posting I get discouraged and don’t want to post in the first place. What’s up with that?

Well, to show my discontent with Chinese government policies regarding foreign operated photo sites, some mini-pirates:

Beach Boy (hearts) Beach Girl

As mean as they look I doubt they’ll do much to scare the Chinese government into changing their odd Internet blocking policies.


One response to “Great Firewall of China”

  1. You made me laugh a lot :·D.

    These mini-pirates are just so cute :·D !

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