Category: Hong Kong

  • Note to Self

    Having a valid China visa helps when trying to enter China. The cat is probably over the border by now. I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Hong Kong waiting for the Chinese consulate to grant me an instant visa. Doh!

  • Shanghaied!

    Once again I am compressing my life into a few boxes and making a major move. This time the destination is Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China. I’m leaving behind Hong Kong, which has been my home for the past 2 years. Looking back, I feel like I’ve only been here a few weeks.…

  • Bad Day LA – Translation Laughs

    Living in Hong Kong, I’m constantly frustrated by the complexity of the Cantonese language – what some have called “the most difficult language in the world.” Others call it “WTF?!”. As an example, take the word “Gau” (say it like “now” with a “G”). Depending on the tone you use, Gau can mean: 9, enough,…

  • Lamma Move

    Two weekends ago I moved house from Hong Kong Island to Lamma Island. Lamma is a quick 25 minute ferry ride from Central, HK. It is an… interesting place, to say the least. The island’s inhabitants are an eclectic mix of Cantonese locals, expat teachers from all corners of the globe, and semi-retired/retired Methuselahs seeking…

  • BDLA Interview

    A new Bad Day LA interview is up on Derek dela Fuente’s article begins… Over the last few years American McGee has started to establish himself as somewhat of a cult figure and a voice that many are keen to listen to. His latest creation, billed American McGee Presents: Bad Day L.A., is a…

  • Year of the Dog

    Another Happy Chinese New Year! Last year it was fireworks in the streets of Shanghai. This year some friends and me watched the fireworks from my roof deck high above Hong Kong. The main display lasted for something like 30 minutes! To be honest, I got a little bored halfway through and went back to…