Dear Insane Children,
I’m finally back to Shanghai and getting caught up on all sorts of Mysterious, Alice, and Pirate-y things. My final days in Thailand were great and I was fortunate to spend time with my friends Liz and Jamie of Followtheboat for Songkran (Thai New Year). To see what sort of fun we got up to, check out the video Jamie put together: It’s pretty awesome.
Meanwhile, production continues apace on all things Asylum. Alex just sent along a batch of sample pages from the License Proposal.
I replied to him with this feedback:
Looks really good to me. A couple of bits of feedback:
I don’t know that the “Rutledge” text is required at the bottom of every slide. It’s a lot of text to carry from slide to slide for the point of suggesting that this is something from within the universe. Is there another way to do that – perhaps with less text? Perhaps keep the first line of it and lose the 2nd line (except for on a title page or something)?
The font treatment on silver text (LICENSE PROPOSAL, MAKE EA GREAT AGAIN, etc) feels off. It appears weak, cheap, um… just very generic “photo-shoppy” in contrast with the rest of the treatment. I think it’s the use of bevel and the fact that the font being used ends up with “wavy bottom” along the bottom edge as a result of the bevel? Uncertain how else to describe it… just feel the overall effect is not in line with our theme. Can you try some variations?
Here are the other two pages…
What do you think? Any elements you think we should adjust or change?
Don’t worry about the copy too much as this point. We’ll finalize all that stuff for content and presentation. The main point of feedback at this time is related to the art and design of the presentation.
Let us know your feedback in the comments below.
We’ll go through everything in a live stream later this week. More info on that in the next update. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel (and hit the “alert bell”) here…
From Shanghai with Lulu,