Aspyr Media has released a patch for American Mcgee’s Alice, bringing this game from 2001 to version 1.1.2. The Universal Binary update offers support for Intel Macs and features a variety of bug fixes.
Here’s a list of the changes in the update:
• Alice is now a universal binary.
• Fixed issue with garbled/sped up sound when you alter sound settings.
• Fixed some miscellaneous sound panning issues. Alice can now be heard to scream as she falls down the rabbit hole.
• Fixed potential crash when loading a level.
• Fixed issue where the background to the in-game conversation text might have a thin vertical black line running up and down the middle.
• Fixed issue where Alice could crash when switching resolutions while playing.
Head over to at the link below to download the update.
10 responses to “Alice Universal Update”
Whoa… Cool. We’ve been talking about an Alice update on the forum. We’re like psychic, man!!! Power of the mind!! 🙂
Anyway, sounds pretty cool!! I’m glad the lines are getting fixed, those always bugged me…
Wow, there are still people working on Alice !
When we’ll we got a Linux version ;¤}.
No offense to anyone involved, but it’s about goddamn time…
Still, cool news.
So.. is this patch mac-only?
Alice lives again! Wow. A patch after all these years.
American… make Alice II!
Spiffy, but how/where specificaly do you install it? Or what do you open it with?
This update was made by the awesome Brad Oliver (the original porter of Alice to the Mac) pretty much in his spare time.
It’ll be great to revisit this classic on modern Mac’s. Hopefully Aspyr will release it on their upcoming download service so those who missed it the frist time around can get in on the fun!
Champion! You’re my heroes.
I cant think of any game thats retained as much life as alice has for as long as it has.
Good work.
those screenshots are seriously awesome.
IS there a pc patch available or one soon that fixes the black line problem?