Month: January 2010

  • DexIQ Updated!

    DexIQ 1.1 Screenshot While the Spicy Pony team is hard at work on their new concept (Crooked House) they’ve found time to update their first release, DexIQ. The original DexIQ presented a unique challenge among iPhone games: Two games played simultaneously and geared towards challenging both your IQ and your dexterity. The updated version improves…

  • How’s Your DexIQ?

    Peter Ha over at App Club has posted a DexIQ challenge: It’s a relatively simple game that tests both dexterity and IQ – hence the name DexIQ. It’s a fun little game that only costs $0.99. Despite the graphics, the game is challenging as can be. It makes my brain hurt. That, or, I’m still…

  • Off the Map in China

    Off the Map in China Gamasutra has posted an interview by Christian Nutt with your truly. It begins with… Famous for his work with id Software and on EA-published cult classic Alice, American McGee set up shop in Shanghai, China, in 2007 with his new studio, Spicy Horse. Though the company’s first game, Grimm, for…