The Ghost House + Cheshire Plush Workshop

Dear Insane Children, 

LOTS of STUFF in this post! Ghost House Images, Live Stream Info, and Cheshire Cat “Things”… Please SCROLL to the BOTTOM to see it all! 

When I was a child (and insane) we went every year to the State Fair of Texas. And among all the rides my favorite was the “haunted house” – a rickety ride through a series of darkly lit pneumatic jump scares. There were witches and goblins and ghosts and more… strobe lights and over-amplified screams played through long-dead speakers. 

Child me is very happy to see that we’re resurrecting these themes in the new game. How does child you feel about all this? 

All these elements derive from the section of Asylum in which Alice “visits” the Tweedles. 

As we’ve explored with the Circus Dress she’ll be forced to wear… as she escapes this extra-twisted Wonderland domain. 

Excellent new illustrations from Joey to help us define what’s in store! 

Live Stream Time

Now that I’m back from Pirate Jam and my tan is slowly fading… Arrrg, fadey.

We’ve scheduled our next Live Stream for 9AM on Thursday morning (Hong Kong Time) which is April 17th @ 6PM PST. 

Hit THIS LINK to set a reminder over on YouTube. And remember, the YouTube notification system (and most everything else about YouTube) sucks… so also set a reminder on your washing machine or something. 

While you are on my YouTube Channel, also consider giving a few recent videos a watch, a thumbs up, etc… helps with the algorithm and all that. Thank you! 

Cheshire Cat “Thing” Workshop 

In talking with Omri, Alex, Joey, and others about a Cheshire Cat Plush… we’ve decided to explore other ways in which we might present something related to the Cheshire Cat/Kitten. One concern is that a “plush” designed around the either the original or “kitten” version of the cat probably won’t be very “plush.” In order to achieve a close resemblance to the cat would mean the toy would probably require a wire skeleton. 

So here are two ideas which address that concern: 

That’s a Cheshire Cat/Kitten Pillow! Meow! My first impressions on seeing this were: 

1) That’s cool. I’d definitely throw that on my sofa. And I talked with Yan about fabric printing, manufacturing, etc… and she says we can make something like this happen in high quality, for a decent price, etc. 

2) If we re-did this a bit and threw some straps on it… Cheshire Head Purse! Or put two straps on it and… Cheshire Head Backpack! Meow?

This is the plush-ification of the Cheshire Kitten. “Did you like The White Rabbit Plush? Then you’re going to LOVE the Cheshire Kitten Plush!” (marketing voice) 

This is the adjustment required to fit a Cheshire design into a plush format. I don’t know what a final plush based on this might look like… but maybe we should go ahead and ask the factory to create a prototype?

The worse thing that’ll happen is we’ll get a Cheeto Cheshire. 

So… those are the Two Options on the table as of this morning. I guess it’s technically three options if we convert the pillow into a purse/backpack. 

Please Discuss what’s presented here in the comments below. We’re looking for constructive feedback! If you like something – why? If you dislike something – how can it be improved? And do you have alternate ideas for products based on a Cheshire Cat design, form, etc? 

A Cheshire Hat? A Cheshire Shower Mat? How about a Cheshire Rat? Eek!

Alright… Enough of that.

I look forward to your comments and working with you to create a cool new thing!

From Shanghai with Cheshire Tat,


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