Heading Home!

Dear Insane Children, 

This afternoon Yan and I will begin our journey from Thailand to China and hope to arrive home in Shanghai sometime tonight. We’ve sent all the Pirates home safely from Pirate Jam – a huge stress off my shoulders. Chaos is packed up and ready to go into the boatyard for the summer – she took really good care of me during my two month Golden Exile. Our bags are packed, our flight still on schedule… 

And we both can’t wait to get home to Lucky! 

It’s strange how this coronavirus situation has changed over the past weeks. When news first broke, I thought China was the last place I wanted to be. Now that the situation there seems under control in China, and the rest of the world is apparently descending into madness – why hoard toilet paper?!?! – I’m actually relieved to be heading back to a place where they’ve got serious measures in place to deal with the issue. 

I will try to capture some of today’s journey in pictures and video to share what the experience is like.

Now that Pirate Jam 2020 is finished you can head over to my YouTube channel where there’s a Pirate Jam Playlist containing all the episodes we created this year. These are shorter format, with greater emphasis on our Pirates, their adventures, and their games.

What’s not captured in those videos – and was kept mostly hidden from our guests – was all the drama taking place behind the scenes. Leading up to the event we had lots of guests canceling, boats breaking down, cooks threatening to mutiny, and more… All the stuff I will cover in an upcoming livestream where we play all the great games that were produced. Those games will eventually get uploaded to the Pirate Jam itch.io Page.

Back to the Asylum

It’s been difficult to focus on Asylum work while in the midst of all the aforementioned madness. But now that I’m headed back to the studio in Shanghai, I am excited to catch up on all things “Alice” and to sync up with our team. We’ll resume our efforts on Asylum design and planning – I’ll restart the conversations with potential financiers and publishers (though it’s difficult to imagine we’ll get much traction while virus panic is gripping the world). And we’ll get back on our regular schedule of YouTube streams and Discord design sessions. 

I really appreciate your patience and understanding during this unusual time. 

And now that I’m heading home… I hope to repay your kindness with lots of content and interaction – just the kind of stuff you might need if you happen to be locked down in some toilet paper battleground. 

From Thailand with Love, 


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