The Next Patreon Goal?

Dear Insane Children,

Font Lord here!
I hope you’re all doing well?

With it now being half way through the year, we have been thinking about what could be the next big ‘thing’ we manufacture for all our lovely Patrons.

Of course you may all be familiar with what we have done previously such as the recent Memento Mori Coin (which is still available to purchase at that link if you missed out here on Patreon), and some of you may even remember the Dog-Tags we made many years ago.

But do you have any ideas of something you might find fun or interesting this year?

Bearing in mind it’s going to be at least 2-3 months before something could be prepped, so perhaps something Halloweeny or Christmassy would be in order?
Like last year we made a 2021 Art Calendar that was pretty popular (and actually still sells), should we do a 2022 one?

Sound off in the comments below with all your wild and wonderful ideas and we’ll take a look and see what we can do.

– Cheers (From a bonkers hot Shanghai)

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