This Is Fine

Dear Insane Children, 

Joey’s working on an illustration from the Alice: Asylum script in which we see child Alice fleeing her family’s burning home. The idea is that she’s supposed to make it out alive – otherwise, there would be no first game, no second game… hell, we wouldn’t be here talking about all of this today! 

But the way Joey’s rendered this scene… I don’t think Alice is getting out of there alive. And if she is alive… she’s going to be melted, cooked, burnt, etc. Not fine.

Omri jumped in and suggested some edits that might help improve Alice’s chances of getting out alive (and not burnt to a crisp): 

We’ll see if things look better for poor Alice in the next revision from Joey. 

Fingers crossed! 

Gareth has started work on a critical scene – the moment where Alice escape the Snow Globe and first meets (real) Hatter. That scene reads like this (spoilers): 



[Sonata No. 14 “Moonlight” in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 2 III. Presto agitato]

Silence. Darkness.

Then the haphazard rattles of a precariously balancing porcelain tea set.

THE MAD Hatter watches as a Snow Globe shakes itself from his table, and crashes to the floor. Alice emerges quickly from within the shattered glass clutching her white rabbit.

Her eyes are closed, like she is sleeping. Tears are salted dry on her cheeks.

THE MAD Hatter

Oh, there you are. Finally, I’ve been expecting you two. TEA?

His familiar, jittery voice awakens Alice. The Hatter shoves a filthy overflowing cup of Darjeeling into the Child’s face. He is no longer his calm, measured self. This Hatter is very clearly, quite mad.

Alice and her Rabbit find themselves on the floor in Hatter’s Workshop, but it is grimier and filthier. Where there was once pristine equipment, now sit jagged edges, rusted springs and derelict machinery. Chaos is seeping into this workshop everywhere. Shards of the shattered snowglobe are strewn about on the floor besides Alice.

Endless vortexes swirl in the air through the windows outside. Darkness reigns.

Speaking of scripts and spoilers… 

We finished our back-and-forth editing on the Narrative Outline yesterday. 

Alex is now typesetting the document so we can share another PDF Outline here on Patreon. Lots of improvements, changes, and additions (many at your request) are included. Excited to share that with everyone soon!

We’ll also have news about an interesting year-end idea… a Calendar Poster! Woo.

From Shanghai with Love,


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