Dear Insane Children,
Font Lord here with a quick reminder of what next month’s print is.
As you can see above, it will be “Burning Birthday” for February Patrons charged in March.
So you now have 7 days to adjust your pledge if needed.
And of course, yes, this will become a choice for the 3x$35 tier Patrons when March rolls around 🙂
In other news, we do not have infinite space to store every art print selection we ever have, so unfortunately, we do remove them from the shop and the 3x$35 selection occasionally to make space for new and shiny prints.
We have now removed Alice & Cheshire and also House of Fire and Fury.
BUT we have taken the last 5 prints of each and created a ‘double print tube’ in the Mysterious store for $70.
We only have 5 tubes, so if this interests you.
– Cheers