Dear Insane Children,
I saw some of your comments suggesting you might cancel other plans or take off work or something just to catch our live stream on Thursday (Wednesday in the US). So I want to keep you up to date…
This is actually kinda crazy… we’ve been holding off on doing another live stream out of concern that there might be another sudden Covid lockdown. That would result in Martin getting trapped in the house with us. The horror.
So we waited… and waited… and then just when we announce, “Ok, the coast seems clear, let’s DO THIS THING!” …
…the city announces a freak-out all-districts mass-testing … and there are rumors swirling that another lockdown could happen in the next 24-48 hours and perhaps last through the weekend.
Here’s a bit of the news:
The city of Shanghai on Tuesday announced two new rounds of mass COVID-19 testing of most of its 25 million residents over a three-day period, citing the need to trace infections linked to an outbreak at a karaoke lounge.
The city government said on its official WeChat account that all residents in nine of the city’s 16 districts would be tested twice from Tuesday to Thursday. People in parts of three other districts would also have to undergo tests.
The testing was needed because multiple COVID infections found this week were linked to a karaoke lounge, which had been visited by residents from several districts, it said.
“No household or person should be missed,” the city government said of the testing.
During the testing, people living in the affected districts would be required to show a test taken within the last two days to leave their homes, it said.
And this does not only impact our plans for a live stream. I booked a room in the city for meetings on Friday. Mafan!
So… hang tight. Don’t cancel any plans. We’ll update you as we learn more.
From Shanghai with “Oh, Come On!”,