Gamesplanet Bad Day LA Interview
Gamesplanet is featuring a new Bad Day LA interview. GP: Don’t you guys fear that the game will disappear in the mediocre list of games, because it cannot really compete with graphically superior games like FEAR, Quake 4 or Ghost Recon 3? How are you going to convince people this game has a lot more…
Washington Hypocrisy
(image courtesy Ken Wong, Bad Day LA concept artwork) It seems that the rhetoric against video games is once again being cranked up by our friends in Washington. It must be campaign fundraising time again. Why else would senators like Hillary Clinton be out fanning the flames of controversy? Quoting an article I just read…
An end to death?
Is death enjoyable to you? How many times did you die today? Video games it seems are the stuff of life and death. When I walk around the show floor during E3 and glance at the monitors what I see usually amounts to something like this: Guy running, firing weapon, taking damage, death. Reload. Next…
1UP Coverage of Bad Day LA
Garnett Lee over at 1up.com has posted a nice preview/interview of Bad Day LA. When he announced earlier this year that his next game was titled Bad Day LA, the gears started turning in our heads wondering just how off the wall the concept of having a “bad day” in LA (of all places) could…
Major Alice Movie News
Well, finally something is *happening* with the Alice film! I”m happy too… I think Sarah will make a fine Alice, especially after her performance in The Grudge. This was announced in the Hollywood Reporter today… June 21, 2005 Universal to put Gellar in Wonderland By Borys Kit and John Gaudiosi Universal Pictures is making “Alice,”…
IGN – Bad Day LA Article
Dan Adams over at IGN posted a really informative interview that’s worth checking out. A lot more detail about the game, some new screenshots, and other goodness: June 8, 2005 – It’s not often that a game really comes along to prove some sort of social or political point. Maybe it’s because gamers don’t really…
BDLA: Gamespy article
A very positive article covering Bad Day LA from E3 was just posted over at Gamespy. You know, I have to say I really appreciate the response that the press has given BDLA so far. For a while I was fearful that the art style, story, and overall concept would be rejected outright. Original content…
Bad Day LA – Fan Site & Terrorist Weapon
Wow, that was fast! A BDLA fan site… and not bad looking either. Check it out Also, stay tuned, we’ll be launching the official BDLA website soon. In order to help build awareness during E3 we decided to hand out “terrorist weapons”. These were nail clippers that were manufactured in mainland China, had our BDLA…
One Million
An anonymous source at Electronic Arts just informed me that Alice has passed the 1 million units sold mark. Very cool. I wonder what would have happened if there had been a PS2 version…
Bad Day LA in the Hollywood Reporter
The Hollywood Reporter ran a nice article on Bad Day LA today. We’ll be launching the website and releasing more info on the game soon… so stay tuned!