Back in the PRC (2)
Once again, I return home to China. GDC went great. The GameTap PR machine (driven by the very protective Wendy) lined up the interviews, and I did my best to knock them down. It seems everyone liked what they saw of Grimm – and press since the event has been nothing but positive. On top…
Games For Windows – Podcast
Games for Windows is hosting an audio interview they did with me during GDC: Welcome to GFW Radio, the podcast homepage for Games for Windows: The Official Magazine. Here, through the glorious magic of the Internet, you can listen to the GFW editors and occasional guests pontificate and yammer about all sorts of PC game related issues.…
Grimm in USA Today
I’m heading back to Shanghai from San Francisco. Sitting at Narita, waiting for my connecting flight – I saw that Grimm was mentioned in USA Today:  If you think Shrek wreaked havoc on the Disneyized version of classic fairy tales, wait till you see American McGee’s Grimm. The former id Software designer and programmer (Doom,Quake) re-envisioned the Alice in Wonderland story in his…
Grimm Trailer Release
Gamespot and Kotaku are running news of the release of the Grimm trailer. Gametap has also updated the Grimm site with new content – the trailer and some screenshots. Check it out the Gametap Grimm homepage here. To celebrate the occasion, a duck with a broken neck.     Btw, Kotaku crowd: American McGee loves you too.Â
San Fran-Pirates!
In San Francisco this week for the Game Developer’s Conference. The trip from China was uneventful. It’s been a year since my last visit to the US. I’m struck once again by how *bright* the world is. It’s as if someone has removed a filter from the sun. I remember that sunglasses aren’t just a…
CNY 2008 – Fireworks Fun
So far this year no one I know has been blown up by fireworks in Shanghai, but perhaps not for lack of trying. Check out this video taken on my balcony a few days ago:Â Â Â This was recorded during the height of the “fireworks attack” on Shanghai. At this point in the evening, every square…