Crooked House
Spicy Pony is proud to announce the release of their second game app for iPhone: American McGee’s Crooked House. It’s a puzzle game so devious it’ll make you squeak with fright. Based on one of the best loved nursery rhymes of all time, “There Was a Crooked Man”:
There was a crooked man,
He went a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence beside a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat,
Which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together —
in a little crooked house.
But finally,
It was the crooked mouse,
First lost his crooked smile,
Weary of the crooked nonsense beside the crooked stile;
He shred the crooked cat,
He fled the crooked man,
And he might live forever —
If you help him in his plan.
About the Game
Help the Crooked Mouse escape the Crooked House!
A dizzying array of macabre objects fill the crooked house.
Arrange the objects by to create a safe route for the mouse.
Fail and the mouse dies a gruesome death. Eek!
â— 2 control methods (tilt or tap)
â— 3 distinct areas of the house
â— 44 types of macabre objects
â— 72 individual puzzles
â— Plus+ Awards and leader boards
â— American McGee’s style of twisted fairytale
Check out more posters and screenshots on flickr
Or head straight to the app store and get Crooked
Also, be sure to check out the new iPad version!