Month: August 2020

  • Art Calendar – Crowd Design

    Dear Insane Children,  We have the First Draft sample layout of the Asylum Art Calendar from Alex. It’s looking good!   A couple of questions for YOU to answer in Crowd Design:  1. Do you want us to include highlights on dates related to holidays, etc? This is a bit of a problem question for…

  • Beware Wearwolf Pigs and Vampire Yorkies

    Dear Insane Children,  We hosted a livestream over on my Twitch Channel yesterday… which, after a bit of a bumpy start, turned out to be quite a lot of fun. We covered a ton of topics including updates on Alice: Asylum (Design Bible stuff, Live Action Pitch stuff, and Spoiler/Narrative stuff); talked about design and…

  • Last Chances, Live Streams, and Leaping Wizards

    Dear Insane Children,  Every morning this week, I sit down meaning to write a Patreon post and end up getting sucked into a billion tasks … the next thing you know, it’s dinner time and the day is finished. But I always figure it’s a good sign when the days fly by like that –…

  • $75 Tier Bunneh Questions

    Hi everyone Font Lord here with a little FAQ type post for you all based on some questions you had in the previous post about the upcoming super awesome bunny+print promotion month. So, without further ado, here we go… 1) You need to be at the $75 tier BEFORE October 1st, otherwise you’ll miss out…

  • Lost OzLand – Story Draft – Concept 1, ver 0.2

    Dear Insane Children,  As I’ve outlined previously… we have a dedicated Business Development person on the team now. He’s tasked with helping us take the Alice: Asylum pitch to a variety of investors and publishers. He’s asked that we also provide one or two more pitches for the discussions as this helps to increase the…

  • Grr Bunnies, Pale Realms, and Alice Updates

    Dear Insane Children,  Another busy week full of progress on many fronts. These non-livestream weeks are nice for me because it’s a chance to keep my head down and focus on everything we have going on. It’s easier to talk through all this stuff on a livestream though… so I’ll post a bit of stuff…