Month: July 2022

  • A Moment in the Sun

    Dear Insane Children,  I’ve often heard people say, “Just let her have a happy ending!” in relation to Alice’s journey through life. It’s true, she’s had a difficult existence. And she’s certainly earned her moment in the sun. So, to those who pleaded that she be given some peace…  Joey’s latest illustration shows a scene…

  • Live Stream (let’s try again!) + New Art

    Dear Insane Children,  Another week… another attempt at hosting a live stream! Can we avoid Covid Lockdowns? Will Martin survive the journey south to American’s home? And is there a right way to murder your best-friend-sidekick-rabbit-plush-buddy (even if it’s all just symbolic and imagined)? All these questions (AND MORE!) are answered (maybe) in today’s update!…

  • Art Prints 2022 (Second Half)

    Dear Insane Children, Font Lord here with the results of the poll for the next set of art prints. As usual, some surprises here as to what did make it and what didn’t.But there’s got to be winners and losers. So, here we go… As you can see in the header image for this post,…

  • Can We Be TOO Bloody?! (Plush Toy Gore Trigger Warning)

    Dear Insane Children,  This post contains spoilers and a gory image of Shadow Alice stabbing something cute… with blood and stuff. So… you’ve been warned.  But it also contains an interesting question and conversation around where we draw the lines with regards to gore, violence, etc.  Here’s the (text) excerpt from the design for this…

  • Art Print Selection for mid-2022

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  • Covid Killed the Live Stream (again!)

    Dear Insane Children,  Well. That didn’t go as planned. We thought we were finally going to do a live stream this week and then…  All sorts of things around the city are shutting down. Lots of our friends are telling us that their employers are telling them “DON’T Come to work these days! (Work from…