Queen’s Castle (now with color!) + Live Stream Update

Dear Insane Children, 

Two things today… First is: *more excellent art* such as the main image above and also this one just below… 

These images are the final versions of the ones from Adam that I shared last time. Interior renders of the Queen’s Castle. But now… with color! Yay!

Very lovely stuff. And I hope it makes up for the fact that we need to push the Live Stream date out until next week… 

Life in my “castle” revolves largely around children. And we’ve got some kid-related stuff happening at the same time we’d hoped to do the Live Stream this week… the result being: NO Live Stream this week. Thanks, Lucky! 

He’s starting his first year of “school” [technically, it’s pre-school @ age 3] on Sept 1st, so there’s a bunch of health checks, student registration, and other business we need to take care of this week. 


We’re now aiming for a Live Stream next week on a slightly different day than usual. 

This time change is also necessitated by Lucky. Thanks, Lucky! It’s his birthday on September 2nd, so we don’t want a live stream day crammed right next to that. Lots of planning and prep to do! 

So, basically, this whole email is a “blame Lucky” update. Except, don’t do that because he’s only 3, and he’s super cute, and he probably just saved a bunch of you from a “Final Destination” style death sequence now that you won’t be in that deadly place at that deadly time. He’s not called “Lucky” for nothing, you know? 

Here’s a nice picture of Alice enjoying family life after the events of “Asylum” from Joey. See? Aren’t kids nice?

From Shanghai with Kids (and the 40c weather is GONE – Fuuuu, you 40c weather!),


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