Category: Asides

  • Religion, Online Social Communities and Monetization

    “Religion Explained” by Pascal Boyer explores the psychology of belief systems and reveals how the nature of religion is linked to the structure of the brain (as with the design and stickiness of everything else humans create and consume). Boyer posits that religion is a result of our need to explain the constant background processing…

  • Skype Home – Clickoff!

    If you’re annoyed by Skype Home and looking for a way to get rid of it – I’d highly recommend ClickOff. And if the geniuses at Skype find a way around it – THEN it’s uninstall time.

  • An End of Consoles

    …in the not too distant future our mobile devices become everything-devices, able to serve as workstations, play-stations, translators, phones and more.

  • Pitching to Angel Investors on TV

    Just read on sgEntrepreneurs that our friends over at Vickers Capital Group are involved with a cool new TV program called “The Angel’s Gate”. The premise is simple: Entrepreneurs are given a chance to pitch their dream to a group of Asia’s most successful investors.

  • Outerlight and Indie Development

    Just finished reading an excellent interview with independent game developer Outerlight’s co-founder, Chris Peck. It tells the exciting, then sad story of an indie development team struggling to keep their head above water while maintaining their creative core and staying true to the reasons they got into game development to begin with. An excerpt from…

  • First Amendment and Video Games

    For nearly two decades, elected officials have tried to regulate which video games you can buy, rent and play. Every single time they’ve passed a law, the federal courts have struck it down as unconstitutional. But this may change this fall.