Month: August 2005

  • Hax0red!

    Ah well, apparently I should not have ignored all those notices to upgrade WordPress. Seems that the site was hacked. Minor annoyance, index.htm was changed, nothing else. Lucky I guess. Anyway, the upgrade wasn’t kind to my previous site theme so we’re stuck with “white” until I find some time to restore things to the…

  • “Be prepared, not scared.”

    (Image by Kin, Bad Day LA concept art) I am a frequent reader of a column by writer Fred Reed. His views on many things having to do with life, politics, and the world in general are usually spot-on, humorous, and very much in line with my own views. One of his recent posts echoed…

  • Ken Wong – Bad Day L.A. Interview

    Team Xbox has a nice interview with Bad Day LA art director Ken Wong. Many of you are familiar with Ken Wong because of his work on many of my twisted tales properties including Oz and Grimm. From the interview: What were the most difficult challenges you had to face in order to create the…

  • Return to Normal

    Just back from a nice bit of R&R in Bali. It had been a while since my last “real” vacation… over 2 years if my memories are correct. Sometimes I forget what it feels like to be away from email, internet, and work for an extending period of time. Since starting TMIEC my business partner…

  • Cellar Door Publishing

    A partnership between myself and Cellar Door Publishing was announced today. The deal will put in place an outlet for graphic novels based on properties like Bad Day LA, Oz, and other twisted tales. I’m really excited about this, my first foray into the world of print. From the press release… Cellar Door Publishing GAMING…

  • Next Generation – Apocalypse McGee-Style

    Next generation is running a Bad Day LA interview. Check it out… Next Generation – Apocalypse McGee-Style Tuesday, 09 August 2005 Bad Day L.A. is designer American McGee’s vision of “the apocalypse minus Jesus and pals.” Part third-person shooter, part comedy, part political commentary, McGee’s game, may be the title doomsayer gamers have been waiting…