Tag: trailer

  • “Out of the Woods” – Kickstarter, Interview, Video!

    “Out of the Woods” is my latest project – a selection of 10 fairy tales turned into a card game, book, and collection of art prints. I’ll launch a Kickstarter mid-July, 2017 and am busy at work getting everything ready. Recently did an interview to discuss the project and its inspiration: HERE Here’s a WORK…

  • Akaneiro: Demon Hunters – Trailer News Links

    Ever feel you can’t get enough news about Akaneiro? Well, here’s a massive list of news generated by yesterday’s gameplay trailer release. Enough news to drown a wolf… 3DJuegos (Spanish) http://www.3djuegos.com/noticia/127970/0/akaneiro-demon-hunters/american-mcgee/ Anait Games (Spanish) http://www.anaitgames.com/noticias/american-mcgee-akaneiro AndroidWorld (Italian) http://www.androidworld.it/2012/04/11/akaneiro-demon-hunters-un-hacknslash-in-arrivo-per-android-sanera-il-senso-di-vuoto-lasciato-da-dungeon-hunter-iii-82600/ AnjelSyndicate http://www.anjelsyndicate.org/2012/09/11/quickie-akaneiro-demon-hunters-first-gameplay-video-and-beta-signups-begin/ Atomix (Spanish) http://atomix.vg/2012/04/10/aparecen-nuevos-datos-de-akaneiro-demon-hunters-el-nuevo-titulo-de-american-mcgee/ AusGamers http://www.ausgamers.com/news/read/3241250/american-mcgees-akaneiro-demon-hunters-video-shows-diablo-esque-gameplay-stunning-art Betasjournal (French) http://www.betasjournal.com/news/akaneiro-demon-hunters-annonce-inscriptions-a-la-beta/ Blue’s News http://www.bluesnews.com/s/135111/akaneiro-demon-hunters-video-beta-signups Dailymotion (video) Digital Spy…

  • First Grimm Episode Trailer

    A trailer and a review for Episode 1 of Grimm both available today! The trailer looks cool and the review is extremely positive. Read more…

  • Exclusive Grimm Trailer/Intro at IGN

    The Meat Box! IGN is hosting a bunch of cool new Grimm content: videos, images, and screenshots! In the videos you can see the latest Grimm trailer and the intro cinematic that starts each new episode. The intro cinematic has a great little song to go along with it, sung by Grimm himself. And the…